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Mac N' Steeze Hat

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Steezy. Cheesy. Good for the soul! Nothing gets the job done quite like Macaroni. As parents, we try to feed our kids as healthy as possible. However, let’s be honest - the struggle is real :) . Regardless of how much time we take to prepare 5-course meals, we have learned in this house that effort won’t go rewarded and no one likes kale :). When our patience runs thin and we need the reliable, GET THE CHEESE! This golden delicious hat has the sauce to make people craving for more. When in doubt or need a pick me up, rock Mr. reliable and never go wrong! If you are what you eat, who are you?!

FABRIC - 60% Polyester 40% Cotton. Black leather logo patch. Black brim with match black plastic strap. 

Mac N' Steeze Hat
Mac N' Steeze Hat
Mac N' Steeze Hat